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The purpose of this systematic review was to compare corticosteroid injections with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) injections for musculoskeletal pain. There are conflicting evidence for how these drugs influence the pain response.
Methods Seventeen trials measuring corticosteroid injection with and without pain in 1046 patients with musculoskeletal pain that were published from 2001 to 2007 (n=6,639 patients). The trials were assessed with the Cochrane pain index, qatar desertcart com review. Ten trials assessed the effect of corticosteroid injections alone and the other three assessed the effect of either corticosteroids combined with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), oral testosterone. Seven of the studies used placebo injections, and one study used an active control in a crossover design. Of the 15 studies in which patients had a history of musculoskeletal pain, eight included a comparison group that received a placebo or active treatment or treatment plus NSAID. The remaining eight trials included either a control group, a comparison group, or a comparison trial that was split by gender, oral testosterone steroids. Four trials used placebo injections and two involved active treatment groups or treatment plus NSAID, oral testosterone. Two studies used an active control in a crossover design. The results presented are weighted to be conservative, and there is a moderate size impact for each type of intervention (see main text), oral testosterone enanthate for sale. For a comparison to control, we calculated the difference in proportion of patients with pain at 0, 2, 4 and 6 months and at 6 months when the active agent, corticosteroids, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were given (see main text). For treatment efficacy we classified the proportion of patients who remained pain-free 6 months after injection as positive, negative, or no data available. The type of difference between active and non-active intervention, measured at 1 month or beyond, is described, desertcart review com qatar. We calculated the relative risk per 10 mg dexamethasone mg injection in the intervention group for pain in the 0, 2, 4 and 6 month study periods (0% positive, 20% negative, and 70% no data available) (see main text). A further comparison is made of the relative risk for pain per 10 mg dexamethasone mg injection in the comparison group at 6 months. These results have been weighted to be conservative and there is a moderate size impact for each type of effect, oral testosterone tablets. A more detailed discussion of the results can be found in the supplementary information.
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